It has come to our attention, that a group of swedish punks in Gothenburg has decided to act sexist, threatening and violent towards parts of the city's political and feminist punk-scene. The actions taken by this group includes creating a Facebook-page called "Göteborgs Feminister behöver ett rejält kok stryk & en jävla massa kuk!!". Threats, pictures and plans are spread, which is in no way acceptable. In this Facebook-group are also included a group of active swedish neo-nazis. This is also unacceptable, and people communicating with this sort of far right-wing groups will be considered a security risk, and will therefore not be welcome at our festival.

By sharing this with you, we want to show solidarity with the political and feminist punk-scene in Gothenburg, and take a clear stand against those, who are sexist, and use threats and violence against our comrades. People actively using the Facebook-group and known offenders towards our swedish comrades will therefore not be admitted to our festival.

We hope you all support and understand this important issue.

/K-Town Hardcore Festival 2012